My good friend Tracy Glenn from "The B.A.S.I.C. Band" has asked if I am going to be performing any more random music reviews. I'm going to go ahead and say yes, I believe I will resume my goal of creating one new random music review every day showcasing one talented musician or group from YouTube. This could including singers, composers, poets, cover bands, original bands, or any other number of musically talented people out there. I will be up front, I will be honest, and I will put it how it is. I typically don't review poor performances or terrible singers, however if I see talent in the rough there is a chance I'll write a review and critique in a POSITIVE manner the singer, the audio production, or the composition. I am not here to bash anyone or tell people how terrible they are. The old rule "If you don't have something nice to say don't say anything at all" definitely applies to my reviews. I want to showcase skill and talent.
So starting this week or next week I will start posting new random music reviews. One a day, every day. Thank you Tracy for your continued interest and support of my work. *hugs*
Sooooooooo good. I'm going to go ahead and say yes, I believe I will resume my goal of creating one new random music review every day showcasing one talented musician or group from YouTube. Thanks for itnoleggio monitor